FRENZ UNITED earned fabulous win over MOHAMMEDAN SPORTING CLUB by 5-0

Muhammed Hadi Fayyadh Bin Abdul Razak(no.28),Dody Alfayed(no.27),(C)Muhammed Shahurl Akmal B MD Adnan(no.22) 2,  Muhammed Syfic B Halim(no.20)
Man of the Match – Raja Hela(no.31)Goal keeper – Mohammedan Sporting Club

FRENDZ UNITED achieved  an admirable win in the 120th LG IFA Shield(U-19)2015-16 on Friday at City Barasat Stadium as they destroyed MOHAMMEDAN SPORTING CLUB  by 5-0.

The very 1st goal came from Muhammed Hadi Fayyadh Bin Abdul Razak(no.28) on 19th minute of FRENZ UNITED followed by the 2nd goal from  Dody Alfayed(no.27) at the final moment of the 1st half(45th minute) .

In the 2nd half FRENZ UNITED came again with a bang as captain Muhammed Shahurl Akmal B MD Adnan(no.22)  snatched the 3rd and the 5th goal on 56th minute and at the concluding  moment of the match(90th  minute).  Muhammed Syfic B Halim(no.20) of the same team kicked the 4th goal on 85th minute.

The Goal-keeper of MOHAMMEDAN SPORTING CLUB Raja Hela(no.31) got the title of the Man of the Match as he tried best though they were unfortunate enough to get a goal. All over it was the day of FRENZ UNITED as they earned the winning glory of 5-0.
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