DSK Liverpool 2 -3 Frenz United academy.

DSK Liverpool 2 - 3 Frenz United academy
(Lal Anzuala, Lal Ruatpuia) (Akmal,  Hadi Fayyadh,  Aep Moulana)

Frenz United stole the show at the last minute.Frenz United won the match against DSK Liverpool by 3-2. DSK Liverpool started the goal rally with the goal of Lal Anzuala (Jersey no - 9) on 9th minute. Getting pass from Abdul Rajjaq, Akmal (Jersey no-22) equalized on 12th minute. Hadi Fayyadh Abdul Razaq (Jersey no - 28) scored on 17th minute to take the lead.

On 49th minute Lal Ruatpuia (Jersey no - 57) put the ball into the net of Frenz United to equalize. On 93rd minute Aep Moulana(Jersey no - 8)of Frenz United scored the match winning goal to achieve three points. Lal Anzuala (Jersey no - 9) became the Man of the match.12746109_838396826282148_142973148_n 12767396_838396316282199_1800048139_n

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